bárbara tauffner


 ph.d. student in communication & science studies, uc san diego 🔱

i am a 2nd-year ph.d. student in communication & science studies at ucsd, originally from southeast brazil. also, i am a researcher in the media, discourse, and social networks research laboratory (midiars).

i received my master's degree in science education from universidade federal do rio grande do sul (ufrgs) in 2023, for which i wrote my thesis "platformization of truth: disputes for the truth about covid-19 vaccines on twitter." at the same university in 2021, i received my licenciatura — equivalent to a bachelor's degree in the U.S. — in chemistry, writing my undergraduate thesis "discoursive clashes between science communication and fake news".

my research interests are connected with political communication, public opinion, social network analysis, discourse analysis, knowledge and power, critical global health, and climate crisis.

⚽🕹️ in my spare time, i like to watch football matches of the brazilian club i root for (inter de porto alegre), play video games, and watch shows. i'm a big fan of doctor who!

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